
Our Solid State Team
Located at Medicon Village, Magle Chemoswed has a team specialized in Solid State studies, supporting customers worldwide with their unique expertise. This area is a very important step in order to commercialize a product since the particle size distribution of the product depends upon both the solvent/solute system used and process parameters and equipment properties. Crystallization can be employed to engineer particles precisely and with the right properties that ensure the optimum performance of the drug product.
Medicon Village also houses Magle Biopharma, where Magle focus on the development and production of stem cell-based therapies for both investigational and GMP use.
To find out more about our work, please visit Magle Chemoswed and learn more about Solid State and Crystallization. You are also welcome to learn more about Magle Biopharma and the services we provide.